TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Replacement Seat Cover or Aftermarket Seat Options
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Subject Replacement Seat Cover or Aftermarket Seat Options
Posted by OverZealous (CT) on February 01, 2013 at 9:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 3169 times.
Message Hi folks,

I'm looking into seat re-skinning and aftermarket seat options, wanted to consolidate my findings, and see if anyone has anything else to add.

As far as I can tell anyone who has bought Imports Extremes seat covers has been pleased with their product over the years. The only downside seems to be the $1,300 price tag for all-leather skins and sometimes they can be difficult to get a hold of.

Some people recommend installing the seat covers yourself, but if you decide to have someone else install them installation alone will cost you between six and eight hours. At $75-$80/hour that's about $550 for the installation. Therefore Imports Extreme all-leather kit installed would run you around $1,850. Imports Extreme vinyl-leather installed would run around $1,550.

A very reputable local installer recommends Katzkin. I don't see a 300ZX skin available from their drop-down menus so getting seat covers from these folks is probably an expensive custom job on paar with IE.

Tuner_D seems to have a mixed reputation. The pictures of his seat covers installed look amazing (FAQ write-up), but apparently the material quality doesn't pass the test of time and lately he's been impossible to get a hold of. (thanks for the warning SilverTwin)

Almost as important as the seat skins is the underlying foam, which has all but disintegrated in our old cars. JMartz had his foam refurbished at considerable expense I'm sure. Khalid Mahmood (Interior Innovations) has vowed bring replacement foam to market but I don't believe it's available yet.

Now Interior Innovations products I'm very familiar with. The leather quality seems real good but the patterns he's using are a little course and inaccurate. Still, with a little elbow grease and workarounds most impressive results are possible with Interior Innovations leather kit! (thanks for the response PiotrC70)

Replacing with aftermarket seats tend to have a racey look and likely similar comfort level, or they end up being just as expensive as the above refurbishment options. I like HighPsi's Corbeau TRS seats below but at $1,300 + welding I'm less convinced.

Recaro's $1,350 near OEM looking seat below also seems expensive.

So I've decided to go with the stock look and replacement skins reflected in ed_cottrell's write-up. If you happen to have some good quality unused tan skins you're trying to get rid of please e-mail me.

Do you have any additional info or recommendations to add?

OverZealous (CT)
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