TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum
People Seeking Info

News Item - June 27, 2001 05:44 PM

The chatter on the forum needs to end now, especially after today. It's really dragging the site down. We're glad some of you get along so well together... but it needs to move off this site. IM, ICQ, E-mail or the chat room here (yes, we know it's not firewall friendly) are all alternatives we encourage you to use for chat. We've worked too hard on this site to make it the best and most popular Z site on the 'net to allow it to turn into another chat board like so many other automotive sites that just flat out stink. The admins let them get too far down the slippery slope of what's the norm. Not going to happen here. Moderators have been instructed to start deleting any and all messages that turns into chat. If you have an issue with this, I suggest you start looking for your own alternative before we force ours. Our alternative is giving everyone a vacation like we did last year. I don't mean to threaten, but it's really getting tiring when we're spending more and more time deleting things that really have no purpose for the betterment of the community. Please think before posting a new message or replying to a thread if what you're adding isn't better suited for one of the alternate communication channels I mentioned earlier. Let's be a little more focused on the car that brought us together and not posting our own or each other's personal issues.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - May 02, 2001 03:49 PM

Our ISP had a router problem last night - right after tech support went home for the evening. I really hate it when that happens. Oh yeah, then the entire neighborhood lost power for most of today. When will the fun ever end?

Written by Steve Simmons

News Item - April 10, 2001 08:09 PM

Sigh! The speed is killing me, I'm sure it's not any better for the rest of you. We're still working on a solution to get this thing flying again like it was back in January when we first moved it.

As far as all the Classifieds transactions gone bad and ending up on the forums lately: We offer the Classifieds section as a free service to you as a member here. No, it's not going to a pay situation. If anything it will just go away. Yes, a couple bad apples can ruin the bunch if you don't take steps to protect yourself as a buyer. Just because someone is a member here, doesn't mean we've done any background on them to make certain they are on the up & up. I have made some changes where VTD on the Classified page take very few votes to remove a message now, making self moderation against perceived 'bad apples' more efficient. If you have an issue with someone's ads in Classifieds, click Vote to Delete please. Sorry, messages to warn other people in Classifieds will be removed. It's a complicated situation for us, but in a nutshell, there's not a way for the 'defendant' to make a follow up statement to the 'plaintiff's' claims against them. To make claims against someone whether true or false in a fashion where they are unable to rebut those claims just isn't going to work out. I want *you*, the member and buyer from other members in the Classifieds section to read through this:

TwinTurbo.NET provides this service for our members to buy and sell Z related products. TwinTurbo.NET takes precautions necessary to ensure that Sellers are legitimate by requiring a phone number, e-mail, name, city, state, and zip which is automatically appended to any posts. However, TwinTurbo.NET is not responsible for any false information that is presented by unscrupulous individuals. Please only buy from people for which you can verify a working phone number and E-mail account & feel comfortable doing business with. For larger purchases, an escrow company might make things more comfortable, for example. Remember, Buyer Beware.

That's what has always appeared at the top of the Classifieds section. Maybe I need to stick it every Classified ad as well.... Let's read that again:

Please only buy from people for which you can verify a working phone number and E-mail account & feel comfortable doing business with. For larger purchases, an escrow company might make things more comfortable, for example. Remember, Buyer Beware.

We don't like people using our web site to rip off other people, but we can't afford the time or effort to do something you should do for yourself in the first place. We'd love to be able to, but it's not practical at this point in time. We have larger issues to deal with (back to point 1 about site speed). If you want to air grievances on the General forum, that's your prerogative, just make sure you shoot absolutely straight and try to be as objective as possible.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - April 07, 2001 08:39 PM

Couple items:

1. We've updated Bookmarks to track both the Technical forum as it always has, but also the General forum in similar fashion. Since we made the General forum searchable, bookmarks needed to work as well. Remember, we're still maintaining both forums for what they are. Please post Technical questions in the Technical forum and the General messages in the General forum. Seems simple enough, but it's amazing how many people just post whatever, wherever.

2. Little old TwinTurbo.NET got some magazine exposure! Go buy the May 2001 issue of Sport Compact Car and thumb over to page 68 to see what they had to say about us... OK, maybe it's not exciting to read. Just dropping in and scanning content doesn't expose someone to the greatness of tt.NET. You know it & I know it... the members here keep things moving and there's always something new and exciting to read on every visit. Like a soap opera, it takes more then one visit to start to get into it. But, like they say, any pub is good pub!

3. Looks like the speed issue (VeriZon data tariff issue, read below) is at a dead end. We're being told it can't be fixed until August. Just guess what we have to say about that... Anyway, we're working on an alternative to the absolutely substandard connection we're on right now for something bigger and faster (or at least get what we're paying for).

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - March 29, 2001 09:44 PM

New Features

Today was a pretty good day. Finally, after almost a year we decided that the General forum has proven to not be the 'transient' forum that we intended it to be. Since so much important stuff is posted there we have indexed everything and the General Forum is now SEARCHABLE

Simply go into the Search page and there is a new radio button to select whether to search Technical or General.

Also, today we added a TimeZone setting to the user profile. For those of you who are not in the Central United States time zone, you can enter an offset in hours and all dates will be displayed in your local time zone.

For example:
US East Coast would enter 1
US West Coast would enter -2
UK would enter 7

We hope you enjoy these features and find your experience at TwinTurbo.NET that much more pleasant :-)

Written by Greg (Dallas)

News Item - March 26, 2001 12:34 AM

Yet another small milestone for tt.NET! Our 4 Millionth site hit was logged just now... here's the rundown of the near misses & the exact hitter:

Mar 25, 2001 12:20 a 3999975 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:21 a 3999976 J-Z91
Mar 25, 2001 12:21 a 3999977 aznTXZX
Mar 25, 2001 12:21 a 3999978 turtle wax
Mar 25, 2001 12:21 a 3999979 dave2
Mar 25, 2001 12:22 a 3999980 FLYT 300
Mar 25, 2001 12:22 a 3999981 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:22 a 3999982 swaney
Mar 25, 2001 12:22 a 3999983 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:24 a 3999984 Zilla
Mar 25, 2001 12:24 a 3999985 morbid
Mar 25, 2001 12:24 a 3999986 mvnchevs
Mar 25, 2001 12:24 a 3999987 Lange79 (CA)
Mar 25, 2001 12:25 a 3999988 TelZX
Mar 25, 2001 12:25 a 3999989 jasonzTT[atl]
Mar 25, 2001 12:25 a 3999990 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:26 a 3999991 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:26 a 3999992 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:26 a 3999993 Steve Simmons
Mar 25, 2001 12:26 a 3999994 drizzt3117
Mar 25, 2001 12:27 a 3999995 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:27 a 3999996 i300zxtt
Mar 25, 2001 12:28 a 3999997 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:28 a 3999998 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:28 a 3999999 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:29 a 4000000 Patrick [Buffalo]
Mar 25, 2001 12:29 a 4000001 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:29 a 4000002 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:30 a 4000003 Dean
Mar 25, 2001 12:30 a 4000004 Dallas DamonZ
Mar 25, 2001 12:30 a 4000005 Jefe
Mar 25, 2001 12:31 a 4000006 JC(Hates dealerships)
Mar 25, 2001 12:31 a 4000007 jasonzTT[atl]
Mar 25, 2001 12:31 a 4000008 james-lee
Mar 25, 2001 12:31 a 4000009 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:31 a 4000010 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:32 a 4000011 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:32 a 4000012 3 double-0 ZX
Mar 25, 2001 12:32 a 4000013 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:33 a 4000014 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!
Mar 25, 2001 12:33 a 4000015 UNKNOWN, Either is a newbie or is not logged on!!

Congrats Patrick!

We hit 3 million last summer with minimal fanfare (we were just coming out of the month long shutdown). Ironically, Dean was our 3 Millionth, and almost our 4 Millionth (buy lottery tickets Dean!) so we'll send him a tt.NET T-shirt for 3M and one to Patrick as well. I'll be sending out e-mails to get shipping info for you guys. Congrats to both of you & Thanks for making tt.NET what it is today!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - March 20, 2001 10:32 PM

Our problems are not on our end as it turns out. Apparently there's a tariff dispute with GTE/VeriZon/SWBell about the circuit area our server is in. There was no problem back in December when we first got set up on the DSL connection we're on now. There's a lack of large network capacity backbone owned by GTE in the area or something along those lines. I spoke w/ the VP of our ISP on the issue today and he's more irritated with the situation then I am. There's not enough available bandwidth right now, we were one of the last to be allowed to sign up for service before this popped up. Our bandwidth is limited to about 256kbps, a third of what we bought. He told me this should all be resolved in 10 days with the completion of installation of some new equipment to support the network area our server is currently in. Once this happens, the site will definitely speed way up in all aspects.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - February 20, 2001 11:32 PM

We're working on the databases as of late. The General forum has grown at a rate we hadn't anticipated. Our original plan was to truncate it at a 2 week interval, but we've just let it grow instead to keep the content. Now we're trying to decide if we should go ahead with our original intent, or keep the full General message database, index it, etc.. We know things are bumpy right now. It comes from slow database response due to letting it grow like it has. So we ask you to be patient while we sort through the issues at hand. Hopefully we'll have things resolved shortly.

While you're waiting, order some T-shirts and stickers!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - February 13, 2001 02:59 PM

Get your TwinTurbo.NET gear NOW! Finally got everything in line and we're starting sales today. We really appreciate your patience with this whole thing, I guarantee it's been a whipping for us to get here. So, without further waiting, go to the Store.TwinTurbo.NET. We thank you for your support!

Dallas DamonZ, Greg (Dallas), Steve Simmons, Alxlee

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - February 07, 2001 09:34 AM

We were apparently down all night. Had a power supply failure that obviously would kill the server. We'll have more downtime in a day or so when the new power supply shows up. We're running on scab power right now.

Also, to add to the bumpy trail, we're using some software script acceleration. This is still quirky at best, but the results are worth the trouble. So there might be some downtime involved along the way while tuning. Please be patient with it. If you were on the site yesterday when there was 65+ online and it was still moving at an acceptable pace, you know where we're going.

Written by Dallas DamonZ