TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum
People Seeking Info

News Item - February 02, 2001 01:19 AM

We've decided to officially start cracking down on sigs. Some of you have already been warned and now, consider this as an official warning to everyone:

All members with sigs that include any nudity, please remove them. Should you continue to post these as your sig your posts will be deleted. Please keep things PG-13 and we won't have any issues. We will not tolerate the increasing trend of nudity in member sigs.

Obviously any posts with nudity will be deleted as well.

This is after all, still an automotive forum.

Written by Alex Lee [DE]

News Item - January 08, 2001 10:01 AM

The official unveiling of the '350Z' is just an hour away. We encourage members to use the new 350Z forum for discussion of the Concept car instead of the General forum please.

Also there's an issue with the database and scripts we're working to straighten out. Unfortunately, it's keeping members from logging in and making changes to profiles. We've also found it's effecting the search engine as well. I'm not sure how long it will take to get this rectified, we are working on it.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - January 05, 2001 01:01 AM

SteAmyZ has volunteered to chair the 1/27 HIN (see update below). If you want to get in on the action, e-mail him. Thanks Steve!!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - January 04, 2001 07:05 PM

I need people to volunteer to chair each stop for Hot Import Nights tour this year. Just need you to coordinate getting a couple cars together (5? 10? not sure what numbers are feasible at these shows, I've never been, it's never been in TX before) and showing under the TwinTurbo.NET banner at each stop that aren't already covered:

Del Mar Fairgrounds - San Diego, CA
SteAmyZ will coordinate this stop.

Atlantic City Convention Center - Atlantic City, NJ

San Mateo Expo Center - San Mateo, CA

Dallas Convention Center - Dallas, TX
TTZD will coordinate this stop.

Long Beach Convention Center - Long Beach, CA

McCormick Place - Chicago, IL

Meadowlands Convention Center - Secaucus, NJ
ECZA will coordinate this stop.

Stadium Expo Center - Seattle, WA

York Fairgrounds - York, PA
ECZA will coordinate this stop.

San Mateo Expo Center - San Mateo, CA

Hidden Valley - Irvine, CA

Broward Convention Center - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Anyone interested in tackling this? I need someone for each stop, or a club like ECZA taking on multiple, since they cover a lot of territory.

Dunno if I can get banners made before the first show, but if someone can swing coordinating it rapidly, I can probably get them done & shipped out.

E-mail me if you want to handle one of the stops! I'll post the chairs for each stop so if you want to show, get in contact with those individuals once everything is set up. The show is serious business, so I'm not expecting anyone to win, because you're dealing with people that have spent a LOT of money to prep their cars for show... But I'm confident we've got a lot of clean & trick Zs to fill some spaces at each stop on the tour to represent the Z32. Step up, let's go!

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 25, 2000 11:11 AM

The server got its Christmas present this morning - double the RAM. This should help performance some. DSL is looking pretty good, no bottlenecks or performance problems reported. TTZD will probably join TTNET on this connection soon.

Written by Steve Simmons

News Item - December 20, 2000 09:55 PM

We have made the transition to a business DSL setup. Looks to be functioning fine so far. We'll have to let it run for awhile to see what the overall performance is when people with faster connections are logged in. At the very least, I know I probably won't have to move it back to the old location now, as we've seen some pretty steep numbers on this end for download. We'll be transferring the URL soon so the www.TwinTurbo.NET bookmarks will work, I think we'll get that covered over the weekend. We just want to see how the performance is for now.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 18, 2000 04:07 PM

Merchandise completion hit a small snag over the weekend. Our completion deadline was not met for last Friday. Looks like it will be on hold until after the holidays due to vacation schedules etc. We appologize, this has turned into the biggest pain in the backside for us in a long time. If everything goes well on the new internet connection being completed today, the server will be moved to a more stable location. I will be surprised, considering how everything else has been progressing. I need to get the server moved out from my office, because I'm not planning on being here much longer and I need to have this transistion made before I quit my job.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - December 12, 2000 03:29 PM

tt.NET merchandise is being completed right now. Stickers were delivered today (very nice!), shirts and license plate frames will be finished before the end of the week. I don't want to make presumptions until they are in my hands, but I'm being reassured it will be done. We could have had everything done a couple weeks ago, but to get the proper license plate frames made in the given amount of time took some sacrifices in overall time. We were hoping to start sales this week, but we really wanted to have pics of everything before we started, so you could see them before laying down money. The downside to this decision is deliveries probably won't make it to doorsteps before Christmas. We're sorry about that, but we figure most of this stuff will be personal purchase anyway and not Christmas gifts. Anyway, once everything is in hand, we'll lay down procedures for taking orders and getting stuff delivered to you. We think you'll be pleased with what we've put together. We've made sure everything is something we'd want to wear myself or have on my car... and we're picky about this!

I'm also looking for a RH 6.2 LINUX genius to answer some hardware and config questions. E-mail me about it. I'd rather find someone that's already done some of this stuff then waste time figuring it all out myself. I'm interested in installation on one hardware set and switching the motherboard and processors out from under the cards & drives. I'm wanting to find a smooth transitional path between the new server and the old server to make a clustered solution and make things even faster. Not something I can just 'try out' to see if it works. I also have some other questions as well.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - November 28, 2000 07:49 PM

People running auto reload scripts to run up your hit total: Cease right now, or I'll ban you straight out w/o hesitation. I guess we'll have to just drop the access counter bit from the profiles because once again, people are being childish & running their counters up falsely. You know who you are.

Written by Dallas DamonZ

News Item - November 25, 2000 06:04 PM

Merchandise has been ordered and is in production as of this Monday. We expect to have everything in about 2 weeks & will start taking orders next week around 12-06-00 to start shipping once everything is in stock. I'll have updates as things come along, we're still working out some details on the fulfillment issue of the other week, but I think we'll have everything put together in time for Christmas sales.

Written by Dallas DamonZ