TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Any tuners want to help me get started?
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Subject Any tuners want to help me get started?
Posted by BlackholeZ on August 25, 2015 at 12:58 PM
  This message has been viewed 355 times.
Message I just transferred to SDSU and I'm getting involved with the Formula SAE Project. They couldn't run any of the dynamic events last year because they couldn't get their engine tuned. They had a tuner, but he just never had time to come tune. I've got a bit of experience tuning, piggybacks and small engine systems, but have never done a ground up tune before. I know this isn't especially Z related but I know there's some good knowledge here. Googling tends to come up with a bunch of half knowledgeable forum posts. Anything would help.

VTC Solenoid Caps and install instructions.

"Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse."
"'she' also likes to swap since I think I am going to need to give her to woody again." - Dvlhntr
"full alphabetic boost mode" -

" Purrs like a sexually satisfied black panther." - BigTDogg
"Two oil eating, angry, spinning triangles of death." - turtleboy on rotary engines

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