I have read comments before that there is no difference in coil packs whether TT or NA or regardless of year. Browsing through the FAQ section last night I came across this post: Z LINK or [ http://twinturbo.net/nissan/300zx/forums/technical/view/1099253/On-Coilpacks-Part-Two.html ] in case the link doesn't work. This post states that there are indeed a difference in coil packs and not only with the tips that make contact with the head of the plugs but also between TT and NA. The model numbers are as follows: -22433-30P00 is the N/A coilpack. 22433-30P01 is the TT coilpack. As a result of this post I went and dug up all my spare coil packs because I am having a miss/backfire issue and wanted to see if this might be my problem. All of my packs have the same solid tips that contact the spark plug. No springs for me. BUT I did find a second style with the NA serial number and even a mystery third!!! You will notice that as opposed to the packs with raised molded serial numbers with the sharp edges (NA) and the white sticker labeled version for the TT there is also one with raised molded serial numbers and rounded edges. Have a look: FIRST THE 'ROUNDED EDGE' WITH NA RAISED SERIAL NUMBERS SECOND THE 'SHARP EDGE' WITH NA RAISED SERIAL NUMBERS THIRD THE 'SHARP EDGE' WITH LABELED WHITE TT SERIAL NUMBERS BUT WHATS UNDER THAT LABEL?? IS IT A 'SHARP EDGE' NA COIL PACK??? BASED ON THE SERIAL NUMBER IT LOOKS SO!! So is their a difference or did Nissan just slap a label over the NA packs???
"torque gets you off the line...& hp gets you over the line." - TTKeeper |