TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Couple of thoughts....
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Subject Couple of thoughts....
Posted by sorka on December 13, 2005 at 7:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 407 times.
In Reply To Here you go... posted by thumper300zx on December 13, 2005 at 05:46 PM
Message Well, if your CAS is OK, then mine is too. RPMs charts look the same as far as steadiness. Actually, your RPM charts are a bit more erradic than mine, so you might actually have a CAS problem.

Couple of comments on your logs.

1) Your TPS looks unsteady. When you have it floored it jumps around quite a bit.

2) If you do a graph of just your MAF against RPM, you'll see that the airflow is *highly* variable. Too variable. I've compared your graph against a number of my own logs and mine are relatively smooth.

3) In particular, your airflow gets whacky in 3rd or 4th gear after 4600 RPMs when your engine has reached peak torque and peak boost. During your 1 2 3 shift, the 3rd gear acceleration shows a sudden decrease, not just flattening of airflow. The things that I'd be strongly suspicious of in this case are:

a) Boost leaks. Have you pressurized your intake to 5 PSI and does it hold pressure for at least a minute. If not, is it leaking past anything but valves.

b) Ignition failure. Checked spark plugs? Are the TPU connections coated with green oxidation?

c) CAS failure problem of some sort. Have you checkd your splines for rust? Is there freeplay between the CAS gear and the cam? How is the harness connector? Free of oxidation?

d) MAF failure? Less likely as it seems to mostly happen above 4600 RPMs, but I'd still check the connector and if possible swap with a known good one(same with CAS).

Also your logs are missing both left and right long and short term alphas. Throwing a 3rd order polynomial trend on these can speak volumes about what's going on.

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