ANY oil left in the Compressor will turn to Jello, and Clog shit up.. So please flush it.. The 'Proper Fill' level for the Compressor should be 200ML/ 6.8 Oz Pag 100 Oil.. from an empty/clean system.. When I blew a Relief Valve on my system, I refilled with ~ 5 Oz of oil, thinking that some oil was not blasted all over my Engine Compartment.. Mine is a '90 Na.. NEW compressor about 5 Years ago.. It was already 134a.. but none of the other 'Things' had been changed.. But the Clutch went out so I changed the Compressor, as I had one new.. Did you change the LP pressure Switch, to a LP/Hp Switch?.. I learned the hard way, that mine was not changed.. Cj