TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Again, my ZX refuses to turn off with the key.
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Subject Again, my ZX refuses to turn off with the key.
Posted by ZXPilot58 on May 28, 2024 at 6:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 137 times.
Message I posted before but could not return to update the last post. So, here goes again.
I mentioned that I thought the fuel pump was still running after switching the key off, but that is not the case. I just didn't wait long enough for the fuel to run out.
So, mostly when the car is warm and the key is switched off the car keeps running. Interestingly, it reduces in rpm, though because the tach and all the dashboard go dark, I don't know by how much. In addition the ABS light and bat light come on dimly. I asked on Facebook and someone suggested the fuel sender ecu, or, whatever is running the fuel pump, might be the problem. But, I think that was suggested because I said pump was still running. I tried an ignition switch from a 90, mines a 91, and though there was a different connector on a 2 wire plug that I didn't connect, it did the same thing and didn't shut off. This led me to believe it's not the key switch, unless it's the plug I couldn't connect. Any help, please, it's driving me crazy to have to stall it with the.u5ch every time I want to shut it off.

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