TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Tail light monitoring dash lamp.
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Subject Tail light monitoring dash lamp.
Posted by ZXPilot58 on March 14, 2024 at 10:13 AM
  This message has been viewed 181 times.
Message I bought this car in Nov last year. Seller pointed out the red dash lamp monitoring idiot light and said that because he'd put the ducts in the nose, eliminating the fog lamps, it caused the light to illuminate.
I've since found out it's for the tail lights and probably won't shut off when I reinstall the fogs.
My question is, why is it on if all the parking lights are in and working. It comes on when I turn on the parking lights. So u would assume it means there's a fault with one of the 4 bulbs, but I changed them out and all are on.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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