TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Forgot to unbolt Shifter Support Bracket
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Subject Forgot to unbolt Shifter Support Bracket
Posted by nonstopna on February 09, 2024 at 3:20 PM
  This message has been viewed 155 times.
Message So I just recently replaced my clutch while I was replacing the rear main seal due to a leak. I got ahead of myself, rushing to get done that I forgot to unbolt the shifter support bracket and destroying the bushing while bringing down the transmission. After i got it all back together and temporarily fixing the damaged bushing, I am now having a hard time with shifting into all gears. I'm not having a hard time getting it into gear but its stiff the whole way getting into gear (does not grind). As if there tension I don't believe its an issue with air in the lines but I won't dismiss it either. I have already bled the lines from under the hood and at slave.

I'm wondering if i damaged something internally when the transmission was coming down and still attached to the shifter bracket. Maybe bent something?

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