Hello, So here’s a little background I plugged my car into a battery tender for 4 months and was away from home. Battery tender failed, dead battery. Recharged battery and put it back in. Now starter engages when clutch is pressed down regardless of whether key is in ignition or not but it will not turn over. If I have the clutch pressed down about midway right before starter engages I can turn car on and it fires right up but when I switch gears the starter will grind when clutch is pressed down. There is a sweet point where I can press the clutch halfway down and switch gears without grinding the starter but I’ve stopped driving it until I can fix this because it’s too hard to get it right every time. Initially I thought it was the tranny but now I can tell it’s an issue with the starter engaging when clutch is depressed. I do have a viper alarm system on but the auto start switch it turned off. https://streamable.com/3bmvq6