TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Clutch pedal engagement question
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Subject Clutch pedal engagement question
Posted by Humble-Zed on December 21, 2023 at 9:22 AM
  This message has been viewed 224 times.
Message I have been noticing for the past few months at the top of the clutch pedal its loose like there's play there. Then I've noticed at the top during driving/shifting any gear a clicking sound and feel like as if my shoes had an inch tread step that slips on the pedal. Its annoying. All my clutch fluids are full. No leaks.

I took it to my local mechanic who found this and tightened up the clutch pedal. He was on his back under the pedal. Now instead of the clutch engaging at say a 1/3rd of the way up from the pedal on the floor (while releasing the pedal) its engaging at 2/3rds of the way up. He did not touch the clutch but only the pedal linkage.

** My question? is this normal and good to adjust like this or will it now wear out my clutch sooner?

I have a ton of knowledge with owning the Z32 for over 20yrs but this hasn't happened before. I drive her 2 days a week.

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