TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - here's something from far out in left field
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Subject here's something from far out in left field
Posted by Agent X on December 04, 2023 at 3:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 314 times.
In Reply To Severe Brake Shudder - Z32 Track Car posted by NormZOH on December 04, 2023 at 12:59 PM
Message I had a 97 Accord coupe (5 speed) 2.2L that developed a shake in the steering wheel that felt like a machine gun. I hadn't done anything to it so didn't know where to begin. Had a local mechanic look at it and he couldn't find anything. Even changed front bearings just in case, but no luck. This was a work car that I drove mostly highway about 30miles one way and the shaking didn't happen constantly. I finally did the turkey baster method of changing power steering fluid and that fixed it. My guess is that the fluid was just old and worn out and would lose/build pressure in the rack real quick, causing that violent shaking. I had that car another few years and it never came back. I do think it was worse in hot weather, but hard to remember. Seeing your steering wheel shake like that made me think of it.
Of course if it only happens when applying the brakes, well then it's probably not PS fluid related.
Don't know what your PS fluid looks like, but just a thought. I was at a loss trying to figure out the shaking in that car.

Conversation between my sister and my wife (shortly before we
got married):
Wife: "You know, sometimes I think he loves that Z more than he
does me."
Sister: "He probably does, and as long as you're okay with that,
everything will be fine."

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