TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How in the world are we fitting these universal R134 evaps?
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Subject How in the world are we fitting these universal R134 evaps?
Posted by Stokens (AR) on September 21, 2023 at 6:53 PM
  This message has been viewed 217 times.
Message I can't make it fit at all in the old box, even after hacking on the box. I am scared to bend the evap rubes too much, for fear they'll just pinch shut. Anyone have a clever solution I'm not thinking of?? Thanks!

If I would have known addiction was this expensive
I would have seen a shrink a long time ago. --BadZCar (FL)
Follow Ups
  • How in the world are we fitting these universal R134 evaps? - Stokens (AR) 18:53:50 09/21/23
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