TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - r12 refrigerant
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Subject r12 refrigerant
Posted by JMartz on September 13, 2023 at 4:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 280 times.
Message Cleaning my garage, I came across and old box of freon 12 I had purchased yrs ago. I had a Mustang GT at the time and the refrigerant had stopped being made. r134a was coming up in the word. Wondering if anyone here in the forum or elsewhere is interested in this stuff. It is a way better refrigerant than r134a. upon compression it heats up to 100F less than 134, not needing the more efficient condenser to make the a/c work.

Any "conversion" w/o the '94 and later condenser (now long discontinued) and the elimination of the TSV (a bitch of a job), results in annoyingly poor cooling; and only while moving.

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