TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Need help with Stainless steel brake line problem
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Subject Need help with Stainless steel brake line problem
Posted by doug8867 on September 11, 2023 at 11:28 AM
  This message has been viewed 237 times.
Message I replaced rear brake lines with Stop Tech stainless lines a few weeks ago and now the rear brakes drag and get hot after stop and go driving of about 20 minutes. Sometimes so much they begin to lock up and when I arrive home they are smoking.

It appears fluid is not releasing from the calipers (both freshly rebuilt) like it should.

When the brakes are cold, I can open the bleeder with a hose on it and an inch or so of fluid will squirt out. The wheel is easier to turn.

As part of my troubleshooting I adjusted the parking brake so there is basically none, to rule out any parking brake drag.

No odd sounds that would indicate any bearing issues.

Front brakes are fine, and do not get hot or drag.

Of note, the lines seem a bit longer than the stock lines were. They don’t appear kinked but I’m wondering if even a little loop could cause issues? Or if they are “upside” down? Doesn’t seem like there is a top or bottom but just throwing it out there. Unfortunately I don’t have the old hoses so can’t easily swap them out.

Anyone have any other thoughts as to what might cause the brakes to seemingly operate okay for the first 15 minutes or so but as they get hot begin to drag besides the brake lines not allowing the fluid to retract properly?

Thanks for any insight!

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