TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM Transmission question... Help!!
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Subject OEM Transmission question... Help!!
Posted by Humble-Zed on August 30, 2023 at 1:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 245 times.
Message I just got an update from Pits Stop Performance on my Transmission Not going into Reverse gear and Vitally owner there said he hasn't seen this happen on a 1991 2+2 model before. Should I worry??

Only recommendation is to buy a new JDM Transmission from California at: ($2000.00). GULP!

I've had Redline MT-90 in it for 40k+ and the fluid level is Full. When pulling your finger out it looks brand new. No bad smell either. Weird.

What recommendations do you have for me? Only the Reverse is not working. Will Not slip it down to R. Its as if there is no Reverse. Gears 1-5 shift excellently! Will the car be reliable as I save for a JDM tranny? Any worry of driving it now? Should I keep the mileage down until I replace the tranny? Ok to drive it?

**Will replacing the tranny fluid get my Reverse gear back?

Any experienced opinions out there?


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