TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM Key Fob Lock Function Not Responding
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Subject OEM Key Fob Lock Function Not Responding
Posted by bjf5051 on August 28, 2023 at 7:16 AM
  This message has been viewed 207 times.
Message Having and issue with my OEM key fob on my “new to me” ’94 na with the door lock feature, need some detectives to help me resolve based on all the diagnosing/facts I have learned so far.

What we Know:

The unlock, dome light and trunk buttons on the remote work as expected.

When you push and hold the lock button the panic alarm goes off, I think this is a good indicator that it is not an issue with the lock button.

Reprogrammed the fob to the car but the issue is the same.

No broken clips and rods are properly seated.

Locking and unlocking in each individual door with the key or from the manual control on the door works BUT it does not unlock or lock the other door as it should. Example: if you unlock the drivers door with the key or from the manual control on the inside only the drivers door unlocks, not the passenger. From my understanding whatever you do do the one door the other one is supposed to mimic it.

When sitting in the car and pushing the unlock button there is what sounds like a relay fire from behind the passenger seat (where the brake line manifold is) but when the lock button I do not hear a relay fire. Had a friend verify that I should hear the clicking sound when I unlock and lock the car.

If I pull the 10A Door Lock fuse from the passenger footwell, unlock both doors, then put the Door Lock fuse back in both doors lock. I think this eliminates any binding or rubbing issues of the rods that others mentioned.

It looks like from the fsm that the exterior lights are supposed to blink when the car is locked/unlocked. Mine does not do this. I could be reading the schematic wrong too.

Current Next Steps

I am going to try replacing the Remote Control Relay 1 and 2, maybe one controls the unlock and one controls the lock which is why I hear a relay fire behind the passenger seat for the unlock button but not the lock button. I see these buggers are on the main harness but the fsm does not say specifically where they are.

Going to run through the fsm diagnostics on the Remote Control Unit which seems to be a grey box behind the stereo.

Does anyone have any insight on where to start based on all the facts? I’m fine running through all of it but was hoping someone could help guide me where they think I should start based on what I have learned so far. Cheers

Follow Ups
  • OEM Key Fob Lock Function Not Responding - bjf5051 07:16:37 08/28/23
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