TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Replacing transmission oil
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Subject Replacing transmission oil
Posted by JMartz on August 08, 2023 at 9:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 211 times.
Message I've always filled transmissions and differetials until oil starts coming out the fill hole. Given the high cost of synthetic oils, this time I went to the FSM and looked up the volume that Nissan recommends; 2.8L (2.96 qts). After pumping 3 qts of Redline MT-90, nothing came out of the fill hole, I inserted my finger through it, hoping to feel some oil. Nothing at all! My transmission is a '98, but the case looks identicsal the the origunsl.

I've ordered some more oil. Should I put more in?

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