TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Head Gasket ?
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Subject Head Gasket ?
Posted by plower1 on August 07, 2023 at 5:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 156 times.
Message How many use OEM head gaskets with 88mm bore pistons? Stock bore being 87 mm the stock head gasket is like 87.5 mm or .5mm over sized. If used on a 88mm bore I would then think that the sealing ring would be just inside the compression chamber. With is the main issue I had with a Cometic 88mm bore had gasket and am hesitant to use a OEM gasket for this reason. Even if the gasket was a 88mm bore it would be the same size and block bore. One engine builder says no to using a OEM gasket with a 88mm bore and another says use Tomie 89mm metal gasket. I tend to like this idea butb I am not so sure the RA smoothness on the block and heads are good enough. All is good and flat but machining swirls are present so I am uneasy in going with another metal gasket. Why do you guys think?

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