TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Running AC destroys my battery and charging system
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Subject Running AC destroys my battery and charging system
Posted by Hiruzai_z32 on April 19, 2023 at 6:44 PM
  This message has been viewed 164 times.
Message 1994 z32 2+0 NA

So recently I've gotten my ac compressor to kick on after many years of it never working/being dry of freon. I added freon and boom it began to turn and produce cold air through the vents. Slowly it began to bring on my battery light and now it turns on everytime I click auto and I run the AC compressor.

•There is an aftermarket stereo system (6.5 speakers and amp).
•ive replaced the battery today and issue still persists
•someone mentioned that it could be the alternator no longer strong enough to run the AC after years of never having to (could that be?)
• I may have overcharged the compressor but isn't seized and is leaking the freon out anyway- (was turning slowly though at one point
•ignoring the battery light left my battery to die and leave me stranded
•with low freon I hear lots of breathing blowing behind the glovebox whe turning on/off the compressor

So why would my battery light come on after turning on the AC compressor?
I'm hoping that if I find the solution I can invest in fixing the freon leak and beating this Florida heat

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