TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A/C Leak (picture of leak) advice
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Subject A/C Leak (picture of leak) advice
Posted by Denis on March 30, 2023 at 5:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 216 times.
In Reply To A/C Leak (picture of leak) advice needed posted by TTwinTTurboZ on March 30, 2023 at 02:17 PM
Message The item you have hl-lite is the sight glass, used to determine if there is enuff Freon. Your profile does not identify what year you have but based on the fact that you have a sight glass I am assuming you have R-12. The sticker under the hood should denote either R-132 or R-12. You CAN NOT mix the two. If the glass is broken you have to get a new line, if it is just leaking you may be able to remove the glass and put in a new seal.

If it is R-12, and you want to convert to R-133 then you have to go thru a flushing and conversion process. But that is a subject for a whole lot more dialog. Search this site to start -

As far as the wire, it completes the level sensor circuit. You may be able to fix it by inserting a pin into the broken part on the cap and soldering the wire to it.
Bernie (NOVA) may have a replacement cap available.

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