TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - replacing wastegate actuators in car, possible?..
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Subject replacing wastegate actuators in car, possible?..
Posted by komplexZTT on March 17, 2023 at 7:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 163 times.
Message My factory turbos seem to struggle to hold high boost to redline (drops to like 12psi), no boost leaks; so figure worth a shot to replace with aftermarket actuators. I'm starting to tear into things with a bunch of other items to update/replace, but that pass side looks really tucked in, so 'possible' is it to replace with engine in? Anybody attempt before?

2+2=4; 2+0=2; 4>2 : 2+2 > 2+0.

Follow Ups
  • replacing wastegate actuators in car, possible?.. - komplexZTT 07:07:41 03/17/23
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