TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Is the CAS dummy proof?
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Subject Is the CAS dummy proof?
Posted by Zxpress on March 07, 2023 at 6:29 PM
  This message has been viewed 181 times.
Message I had it out for trouble shooting purposes. Reinstalled with the general starting point of the screws centered. I set the timing to 15dgrs and it idled smooth as silk. Took it on a very light 20 minute test run and the hotter the engine got, the more power I lost. Got it home, let it cool. Tried to start the next day to recheck timing and now it won't start. It tries after a few turns, and then back fires out the exhaust and dies. While I was limping it home, I noticed some light back fire out of the exhaust when I let off the throttle going down a hill. ECU reports code 55.

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