TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - UPDATE - SOLVED -->
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Subject UPDATE - SOLVED -->
Posted by fantomZ(OH) on February 21, 2023 at 9:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 230 times.
In Reply To Idle Troubleshooting - 90TT (The saga continues) posted by fantomZ(OH) on February 19, 2023 at 08:45 PM
Message TL:DR - Disconnecting and reconnecting the F25-E12 plug and plugging it back in fixed it.

After reviewing the body and EFI harness diagram, I was able to follow the power source for this sub-harness running through the F25 - E12 connector (red housing, right out of the engine fuse box). Since I knew the 10A fuses were good, I thought I would start by checking to ensure power from the body harness was making it to this connector. If it was, I could rule out the ignition switch and wire to F25-E12 as the issue.

I pulled the connector, identified the B/R (Black w/ Red stripe) wire which supplies the 12v to the AAC/FICD (and VTCs, PRVR, stock wastegate controls, AIV & more) on the body harness side. Put the test light on it and turned the key. It had power, great!

Now that I knew it had power to the connector, I plugged it back in and tested for power at the AAC, it also had power. EUREKA!

To confirm, I hooked up my conzult and ran through the solenoid test and for the first time, I was able to click on the FICD & VTC's.

I've yet to run the car as my kids were asleep, but I'll put it all back together, run through the idle set procedure and post a follow up video. This must have simply been a bad connection had formed over time at the F25-E12 connector. I plan to thoroughly clean and apply light dielectric grease when I put it back together for good.

Special thanks to:

and even ZTicket(Dallas) who emailed me back with his solve to his issue from 2011. His issue was too much dielectric grease in the connectors causing voltage reading issues.


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