TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Idle Troubleshooting - 90TT (Part Deux)
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Subject Idle Troubleshooting - 90TT (Part Deux)
Posted by fantomZ(OH) on January 28, 2023 at 4:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 275 times.
Message See my previous post here for details and video of car idling poorly
La-Z-Link - Poor Idle

Since this post, I've replaced both oxygen sensors and tested / reset TPS. The issue still persists, so I decided to get a consult hookup and see if I can figure whats going on.
It's my first time using Conzult, I thought I'd get some expert eyes on the readings.
La-Z-Link - Conzult Readings

The standout that I see is the duty cycle on the IACV-AAC is significantly higher than it should be (70-ish%).

And the timing appears to be off a bit at 22-24BTDC. (Need to verify with a light)

I was able to get a somewhat normal idle by backing out the idle adjustment screw with a still elevated duty cycle.

Running through the procedure to "set" the idle correctly by disconnecting the AAC running the adjustment screw in and re-connecting the AAC did not allow me to have a decent idle and a low duty cycle on the IACV/AAC, and connecting the AAC afterwards had no impact on raising the idle as expected.

Does this point to a failed AAC?
Anything else seem out of whack?
Anything else I should check?

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