TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Its a Start Table that goes from -40C to +110C
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Subject Re: Its a Start Table that goes from -40C to +110C
Posted by matt34533 on January 03, 2023 at 1:19 PM
  This message has been viewed 158 times.
In Reply To Its a Start Table that goes from -40C to +110C posted by Cjw3 on January 03, 2023 at 11:43 AM
Message Appreciate all the info. I'm going to chase this thing down a bit more but that is probably my next step.

My last theory is that the IACV is not opening when starting. My reasoning is as follows:
1. The ignition switch is providing power to the IACV when in the Run position so it works when running but is not providing power when in the Start position so the AAC is closed choking the engine. I checked out all the wiring in the FSM and this is possible if the ignition switch is malfunctioning.
2. When cold, the Air Regulator is open which allows the engine to get enough air to start.
3. When hot with the Coolant Temperature Sensor disconnected, the extra fuel gives it enough of a boost to get it going. (This is the weakest part of my theory, it seems more likely the car would flood in this case but who knows.) But the fact that cracking the throttle allows it to start leads me to believe it isn't getting enough air.

Heres a question for you: Does cracking the throttle while cranking cause additional fuel to be added or does it just allow more air through the Throttle Bodies while cranking? From the wording and description in the FSM hard start tests it seems like it only would allow additional air.

I'll test to see if the IACV is getting power when cranking to prove or disprove the above.

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