TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A/T issue
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Subject A/T issue
Posted by Jms90ttz on August 26, 2022 at 2:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 189 times.
Message I had an issue with my car not turning over at all and was thinking it had something to do with the anti-theft module since it wouldn’t engage the security system when I locked the doors. I unplugged the A/T module to get to the anti theft module and unplugged it but that wasn’t my issue. It turned out to be the starter which I replaced and started on the spot. Only issue I had then is the car was in third gear and could use reverse. Lymp mode I’m assuming. So I removed the negative battery cable and reinstalled it several hours later. Now, it starts in first and shifts hard into second around 3500 rpm. Then it shifts fine into third around the same rpm but will not shift into fourth at all. Also when I start it the A/T ligh blinks 16 times. I had no issues at all with my tranny before the starter went out. Thanks in advance for any assistance with this

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