TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - This seems odd. If I'm reading correctly, the recircs are
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Subject This seems odd. If I'm reading correctly, the recircs are
Posted by Woodnutz (PA) on August 10, 2022 at 7:50 AM
  This message has been viewed 179 times.
In Reply To Capped off recirc valves but no blowoff valves? posted by Amexblack on August 08, 2022 at 05:13 AM
Message present, but the inlet and outlet (and respective tube ports) are capped? They're just weight adders at that point. If you can post pictures, please do - upload to something like Flickr and you can paste the embed code into the text box here. Just don't pick a huge resolution. Would be good to get the full context of what's going on.

Based on your description, someone functionally eliminated the recircs from the system, which I would only think someone would do if they installed BOVs. Leaving them in place seems odd. The effect is the turbulence/surge on the turbo, since you don't have the pressure relief. I'm not sure how this would affect your idle, unless there's a leak on those vacuum lines.

There's no effect on the engine, just the impact to the longevity of the turbos. It sounds like someone installed BOVs, but then pulled them off.

- Aaron

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