TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Steering Rack Replacement and Air Bag Light
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Subject Steering Rack Replacement and Air Bag Light
Posted by Mockingbird on June 06, 2022 at 10:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 222 times.
Message Hey guys,

I've done a lengthy search, and was hoping you could give me some counsel:

-Brought in my Z to have my steering rack replaced.
-When I got it back, the air bag light was flashing. I immediately notified them of it.
-I since returned to them to have look at it (check for loose connection, possible severing of the spiral cable, etc.), and they dismissed those concerns, pointing out they mark the steering spline so it goes back to the same spot.
-I checked codes, says 55. I disconnected the battery and reconnected.
Nothing. I checked the horn fuse under the hood and its still intact. I didn't pull the horn relay.

Can someone advise the next step? (Even if it's just returning to the dealership to have them fix it).

At the moment they argue they can't address the problem because they have no "way to check the codes."

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