TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Does anyone know the normal range for AC pressure?
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Subject Does anyone know the normal range for AC pressure?
Posted by ChrisZTT(Sacto, CA) on May 18, 2022 at 8:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 184 times.
Message I have a 90 TT conversion. Had the car converted over from R12 to R134 today. Put a new drier in, new O rings, flushed the system and replaced with 1.2lbs of R134 if I heard right. The mechanic had a few concerns.

1st he was is concerned because he says the pressure in the system is reaching 300psi without the fan being on. If he puts a blower on it it will drop, not sure how far. From a few messages I saw it looks like 250 - 280psi might be normal but I want to be sure.

2nd as stated he said the auxiliary fan should turn on when the AC is on but its not. From what I understand the fan shouldn't turn on until the engine temp gets around 205+. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks, Chris

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