TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: No power to anything
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Subject Re: No power to anything
Posted by Metacom on April 23, 2022 at 12:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 180 times.
In Reply To No power to anything posted by Z Force1 on April 22, 2022 at 03:24 PM
Message If you look at section EL-8 in the FSM (94MY at least) you can see the battery is direct to the fusible link holder. If you don't have B+ at the fusible link supply side pins in the holder itself then you have an open in the harness between the battery and the fusible link holder, given someone butchered the harness connector at the fusible link holder thats probably the case.

The ignition switch seen at the top of the schematic is "after" or down stream the fusible link, power supply comes through that white wire, pin 1 of connector M36 (ignition switch connector). So you should see voltage at both sides of the fusible link regardless of ignition switch position at the fusible links (with them plugged in, or B+ only on the supply side pins of the holder itself with them removed). You'd need to trace that circuit in the wiring diagram for that to make more sense.

The circuit protection device for the battery in relation to the horn circuit issue is in a different position in the fusible link holder and not related to the protection device that supplies power through the ignition switch mentioned above. Give your horn is sounding, im assuming its 10amp fuse is still intact.

If your horn is sounding with the link installed there is a short to ground between the horn relay coil ground side up to the horn switch or your relay may be stuck closed. Unlikely, but a short to power after the horn relay -switch- side to the horns themselves would also set them off with the link out and battery connected, but the conditional details of your situation aren't too clear. Section EL-68.

A harness was probably pinched when the engine was reinstalled.

First get B+ re established to the supply side pins of the fusible link holder.

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