TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Code 34 and hesitation
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Subject Code 34 and hesitation
Posted by Drk93TT on April 10, 2022 at 6:30 AM
  This message has been viewed 249 times.
Message So I have a replacement detonation harness (CZP's) and a new (oem) knock sensor installed did so with engine out.

Now I have a code 34 that comes back every time even when deleted in conzult. I have aftermarket boost control so I was told thats why the car is not in safety boost.

This is what the knock sensor harness to ECU side looks like at the connector... the blue tape just slides on the wire and was covering this splice, theres a metal tap they are both crimped to in the middle... not sure if this is factory or not? This car had a new or newer engine harness installed at one point in its life so idk?

image upload

Im reading and searching into the issue.. maybe I should check continuity at the ECU pin 23 with the harness hooked up to make sure its a good connection ?

To top it all off I have a hesitation and power loss mostly noticeable on medium/ hard accel /boosting on the highway.. say 60mph and punch it the car will buck randomly like full power... then nothing almost like it looses signal somehow and then goes back to almost normal... then full power... then nothing almost as if the throttle was let go even though it wasn't. Im not sure if the code 34 and this are related but need to get the code 34 gone I suppose before tackling whatever that is.

I looked at the TPS on conzult and checked the grey connector all good. .042 at idle and 3.98 full throttle with no voltage differences when press gas slowly.

Thanks !

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