TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Timing Belt adventures...
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Subject Timing Belt adventures...
Posted by MikeJ on February 22, 2022 at 8:36 AM
  This message has been viewed 257 times.
Message So i started working on my 120k service job on my 1994 TT with 175k miles.
Im sure this job was already done to the vehicle but being the new owner, id like to be certain its fresh.
As i began removing parts i got to the coolant pipes and the plug connectors for the PTU are crumbling.
I also noticed the power steering leak must have been happening for some time, it seems everything below it is covered..

I will need to replace at least 3 connectors for the PTU so far as well as replace the power steering line.
The 2 metal inlets, or connectors, (im not sure the correct word) on the upper coolant pipe, can those be replaced? Do they have a specific name im having trouble searching for them?

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