TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Under-tightened Oil Pump Pickup tube
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Subject Under-tightened Oil Pump Pickup tube
Posted by i_s_64 on November 22, 2021 at 7:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 453 times.
Message Hey Guys, I made a rookie mistake

I was changing the oil pan gaskets as well as the oil pickup tube o-ring. I picked up my digital torque wrench to tighten on the two bolts on the oil pickup tube and I set it to the highest end of the torque spec. The FSM says 12-15 lbft for those two bolts and I was going for 15 lbft. I tightened the bolts with a new o-ring, and I put liquid gasket on the pan and placed it on. Once I got back to it an hour later to torque the pan bolts, I noticed my digital torque wrench was actually in Newton Meters (Nm).

I'm not sure if I accidentally pressed a few buttons by accident and didn't notice the unit change while doing the pickup tube. The last time I used the torque wrench was for the Rear Main Seal plate and that was in lbft for sure.

So I might have to assume I actually torqued the pickup tube bolts to 15 Nm. I actually remember seeing around 15.2Nm.

My question is, considering the FSM torque spec for those bolts are 12-15 lbft, and I torqued it to 15.2Nm which is actually 11.2 lbft, do you think I should ruin the liquid gasket, pull the oil pan off and tighten the pickup tube bolts an extra 1 lbft? Or do you think it is probably okay at where I torqued it? I did not use any locktite or anything. Just changed the O-ring and put the bolts back in.



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