TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Fuel/O2 issue?
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Subject Fuel/O2 issue?
Posted by Jms90ttz on November 06, 2021 at 6:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 267 times.
Message When I crank up my Z, it has a slight miss and when I start driving it sounds like it’s starving for fuel as I give it gas and backfires some. After I drive it for a little while then let it sit for a while and drive it again it’s fine. Also while it’s at idle after first being cranked. It’s spitting out black smudt out the tailpipes and causing to build up on my driveway. I’ve replaced injectors, plugs and coil packs about three weeks ago and was running fine but still seemed a little rich when I first start it(light grey smoke). I’m new to these cars and I appreciate any and all help with what could be causing this

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