TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Part 2: Delayed starting issues ( fuel related? )
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Subject Part 2: Delayed starting issues ( fuel related? )
Posted by Mike@ZSpeed on October 23, 2021 at 7:31 AM
  This message has been viewed 260 times.
Message 93 TT Flex Fuel. FF conversion approx 2k miles ago w/ AUS 750 CC.
* E85 May - Oct. * 93 oct. w/ Stabil Oct.-May - stored winters

As the summer progressed I noticed over time she was getting harder to turn over.
Beginning of the summer she would fire right up on 1st attempt.
Slowly over time I would have to turn the key 2-3 times.
In last 2 months I would need to turn the key 5-7 times.
** When I say hard time starting she would try to turn over and then die. With each attempt the engine got closer and closer. It would try to run but then die. Eventually it would fire up but run rough for a couple seconds. Once she was running she ran fine.

* Fuel pump was priming ( @ least I heard it )
* Relay was clicking
* New battery.

I suspected bad fuel pump, relay or FCUM. So I bought fuel pump and relay. But was hesitant to install because I thought it might be the E85.

I would fill the tank with E85 whenever it got to 1/2 full. So that was about every 3-5 weeks. I would get the E85 from multiple stations. My E85 gauge would read anywhere from 69-80 depending where I got the gas from.

So I ran the E85 to almost empty and put in 93 oct. Now I have no starting issues. Fires up 1st time. Even if the car sits for 10+ days no issues. Starts like a new car.

What was, is and or going on?

1990 NA
1993 TT

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