TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Update: Interesting
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Subject Update: Interesting
Posted by Mike@ZSpeed on September 25, 2021 at 11:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 207 times.
In Reply To Difficult @ times to start: Fuel system related ? posted by Mike@ZSpeed on September 22, 2021 at 10:23 AM
Message Started the car yesterday. ( approx 12 hours since last started ).

It started on 1st attempt. It was slightly sluggish for a brief moment but then ran fine.
** I DID notice the FP prime for 2 seconds. And I DID hear the relay click.

I ran the car for 5 seconds.

Tried it again. This time NO FP prime but it did start. Again slightly sluggish but it started.

I ran 5 seconds.

3rd time. Exact same. NO FP prime but it started sluggishly

Opened gas cap. ( no hissing depressureizing sound ). Isnt it supposed to hiss when opened? All my other cars do but this one never had.

After opened gas cap for a second. And tightened back on.
Started car. FP DID prime and car started.

turned off.

Started car again NO FP prime but it started sluggishly.

turned off.

Started car again NO FP prime but it started sluggishly.


I noticed the only way to get the FP to prime is by opening the gap cap and closing.

1990 NA
1993 TT

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