TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Car Attempts to Stall on Crank, but runs fine afterwards
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Subject Car Attempts to Stall on Crank, but runs fine afterwards
Posted by sandisc on August 02, 2021 at 9:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 199 times.
Message Car decides it wants to try and stall out after cranking. Basically dips 2 times below 650ish then levels out at my set idle speed at 800ish. Runs fine afterwards with no issues idling or driving.

This started AFTER I pulled the intake, swapped injectors, fuel filter, and replaced rubber lines. The car also didn't start doing this until probably 2 weeks after putting everything back on. Never had an issue starting right up when testing everything

Things I have checked:
Fuel Pressure test - Pressure is 48 while running, after turning the car off, after about 20 minutes pressure drops to 32, but stays there and doesnt drop further. (probably an old Fuel Regulator thats causing the pressure drop? Injectors are brand new 370cc)

Done a Vacuum Leak test and didnt come up with anything

Adjusted TPS as it was a tad lower than it should be.

All cylinders/injectors are firing, no drops in power or rough idle

I replaced my Air Regulator and Idle Air/Fast Idle valves and went through the steps to set my idle on the new valve.


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