TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Could be one or more of the sensors on your vent system
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Subject Could be one or more of the sensors on your vent system
Posted by robo (sebring1970) on June 04, 2021 at 5:06 AM
  This message has been viewed 170 times.
In Reply To AC blows warm even tho fully charged 92TT posted by mike26pt2 on June 03, 2021 at 05:56 PM
Message inside the cabin is bad or unplugged. My AC acted the same way when a mechanic hacked out the some of the black plastic ducts above your feet that directs the air from the heat and A/C, so adaptive handicapped equipement could be installed. Those ducts/vents contain sensors that have to be plugged in for the A/C to blow cold at the right time out the correct vents. After I removed the adaptive hand controls and reinstalled the correct ducts with sensors, everthing worked fine again.

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