TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - It's not impossible that the alignment tech did a crap job
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Subject It's not impossible that the alignment tech did a crap job
Posted by LitlElvis on May 31, 2021 at 12:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 188 times.
In Reply To Got an Alignment and now the Z has oversteer!? posted by SpeedyZ32tt on May 30, 2021 at 09:23 PM
Message A few years ago I paid for a "computer" alignment and when I noticed abnormal inside wear (indicative of excessive toe-out) on the brand new front tires a few months later, I decided to check the alignment myself with a tape measure, carpenter's square, and sharpie to mark the floor. I found the front was toe-out by 1/2"!!!! Since then, I do all of my alignments myself.

It's all too easy for a lazy tech to incorrectly install the alignment hardware and then let the computer do the thinking for them.

To fix your issue, take your car back and tell the manager what's going on and if they're not willing to set it back up and compare the numbers, tell them you will be going to one of their competitors to have it checked and if there is a discrepancy, you will expect a full refund.

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