TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Front Aux Elec Fan - Does it activate w/ AC turned on?
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Subject Front Aux Elec Fan - Does it activate w/ AC turned on?
Posted by Gordo LSZ Daytona on April 23, 2021 at 11:30 AM
  This message has been viewed 238 times.
Message Question:
When the AC compressor is turned on, does the front auxiliary electric fan under the nose panel automatically activate? Or is that fan activated by a temp sensor somewhere?

My engine cooling system has been altered to run two radiator cooling fans which are activated by the GM Power Control Module. It works as designed. However, my AC wanted a fan to come on with the AC, so he spliced in the Compressor feed somewhere to use one of the radiator fans for that purpose. All good so far.

Whenever the radiator fans activate, there is a back-feed somewhere which inadvertently activates the AC compressor... even if AC is turned OFF. So I drive around in cool weather with a frosty high pressure AC line.

The Proposed Fix: Two separate Elec Fan Systems
My tech can't remember what he did, and I can't locate the back-feed to splice in a diode. As a fix, I want to reinstall the Nissan front auxiliary electric fan and use that for the AC condenser cooling... independent of the two radiator fans.

Consequently I'd like to know if that aux fan will activate with the AC being activated, or do I need to tweak something to get it to come on when the AC compressor is switched ON.


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