TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Procedure for testing hydraulic lifters?
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Subject Procedure for testing hydraulic lifters?
Posted by DanielThomas on February 19, 2021 at 1:27 PM
  This message has been viewed 238 times.
Message Hi guys, i have been trying to determine the reason for an insanely loud top end knocking sound after a full rebuild. I removed the exhaust cam cover that i had identified the noise coming from, and with the camshafts still in attempted to press the lifters down - they all seemed solid, none were spongy but one looks to be sat about 1mm further down.

Does this prove that the lifter has failed completely by sticking rather than going spongy? The noise was intermittent at idle speed but louder and sounded like rod knock when revved, much more louder and nasty sounding than any 'lifter tick' videos i could find online

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