TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - door ajar switch differences?
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Subject door ajar switch differences?
Posted by Keaner on November 21, 2020 at 2:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 193 times.
Message I've got a 90 that some nice ate the entire body harness side of my door ajar switch on the driver's side. The switches themselves seem obtainable, but not the connector as a pig tail. I found a switch with wires attached, but it is to a 95.

I see that the compatibility chart changed a few times, does anyone know the differences? My car seems to only have 1 wire, and the 95/96 with harness still attached has 2, are they otherwise the same (thqt is, normally open)? I should be able to just ground one of the wires, and connect the other side up, right?

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