TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z is cutting out and won't start
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Subject Z is cutting out and won't start
Posted by TwinTumor on November 19, 2020 at 9:40 AM
  This message has been viewed 220 times.
Message I have a 1995 NA 300ZX. Hey so the other day it felt as if I was hitting redline at around 5k, so I didn't think much of it. I was at my buddies house and tried going home. The engine was cranking over, but it wasn't firing up and I kept hearing loud backfire through exhaust. I then push started the car because of how angry I was and drove home. On the drive home I couldn't get the car past 3k, it felt as if it was either misfiring bad, or it was cutting fuel and would bounce. It got soo bad I barely made it home. I believe its the fuel pressure regulator, but could it be a bad fuel pump. I will say that the pump makes a weird noise sometimes on start up, but I do hear it turn on then off. Anyways i checked the battery, terminals and alternator they were fine. thanks any help would be great!!!

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