TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - getting stock turbos hold more boost to redline?
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Subject getting stock turbos hold more boost to redline?
Posted by komplexZTT on November 14, 2020 at 8:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 231 times.
Message Running higher boost levels (17-2xpsi), my stock turbos always drop off quite a bit by the time the engine gets to redline, maybe like 12-13psi. Boost does seem fluctuate quite a bit after peak during a pull. No boost leaks that I've been able to detect.

Is this just a limitation of the turbo compressor (I know they are small and pushing limits), or could the wastegate just not be holding closed and upgraded actuators would help?

The description for upgraded actuators sounds exactly like like they wold help, but anyone with first hand experience?

Z1 actuators

I haven't taken a good look yet, but what's the chances of being able to replace these with engine in car? If I ever pull the engine, I'd just replace the turbos.

2+2=4; 2+0=2; 4>2 : 2+2 > 2+0.

Can anyone whos removed the headlights just by going
through the turn signal hole, post a pic of their arms? Im
wondering if you have little tiny arms, or if you can
dislocate your wrists?...Im not saying im huge or
because im not - Ebola 23:10:42 01/20/05

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