TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Dash warning lights on but is it really an alternator issue?
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Subject Dash warning lights on but is it really an alternator issue?
Posted by Woody75 (Denver) on November 13, 2020 at 3:08 PM
  This message has been viewed 259 times.
Message Throwing this up as a double check before I tear into things and replace the alternator.

Just finished up a project. Among other things a new battery harness and engine harness were installed. New battery as well. Alt is oem used. I'm getting the Battery and ABS lights on the dash. They are solid lit, NOT dim and then get brighter when rpms go up. The car drives fine. I watch the voltage through a program and its good as well, high 13's. The lights will go away randomly at some point sometimes as well. Headlights don't dim. The car has an electric fan set up and it works fine as well.

Most of the time when those lights on the dash are lit it means the alt had issues, but I've always seen other symptoms and/or signs along with it. Lower voltage, the dimming dash lights, etc. I'm not getting any of that. I have a new replacement alt waiting to go in, but want to get thoughts or agreement before I dig in and replace it. Or if there is something else that can cause these lights. Thanks.

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