TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 120k Timing Belt Tensioning Procedure
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Subject 120k Timing Belt Tensioning Procedure
Posted by Rossm952 on November 04, 2020 at 9:56 AM
  This message has been viewed 259 times.
Message I am in the middle of my 120k service and am currently making sure the tension is good. In the procedure I am following it said to rotate the crank clockwise 720 degrees after matching the marks on the belt to the marks on the pulleys and crank. I wasn't sure if that meant the crank itself needed to rotate around 2 times or if the entire belt needed to rotate around 2 times. I ended up rotating the belt 2 times and noticed the marks weren't lining up anymore. I didn't feel like it was slipping on anything and hadn't jumped any teeth so I figured if I kept rotating it, it would eventually line back up. Anyways I kept going and I don't know how many rotations I have made. Question is, is this part just to ensure valves and pistons don't make contact or is it important for positioning to do 720 degrees past TDC cylinder 1? Want to know if I need to keep turning clockwise, walk it back counter-clockwise, or if I can just stop because I know cylinders and valves will not make contact and my tensioner gap hasn't changed.

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