TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - haltech elite add on/delete questions
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Subject haltech elite add on/delete questions
Posted by Mizzuh on October 30, 2020 at 5:00 AM
  This message has been viewed 255 times.
Message so I've had my elite 2000 for a while now with the PNP harness, and my question is, what components are safe for me to add/remove? I know my way around wiring, but timid to change anything without a basic understanding of what is, and is not safe with this system.
I understand a shop would be faster, and more knowledgeable in this area, but I'm quarantined, and I like to learn.

so far, I've familiarized myself with the ESP software and its basic functions via tutorials (load base map, change injector size, mess with the idle), and can navigate it fairly easily, But I am no way shape or form an expert with its inner workings or attempting to screw with the tuning side.

so a few examples of what I'm trying to accomplish/learn:

do I need to keep the narrowband sensors now that I have widebands?

how do I directly connect/control the electric fan? (currently "always on" wired to accessory)

is it safe to remove my MAF with the new MAP setup?

is the PTU still necessary?

...and a million other things (gauges, telemetry, sensors) any help would be appreciated.


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