TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What are correct specs for MAF sensor?
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Subject What are correct specs for MAF sensor?
Posted by madkiwi on August 31, 2020 at 4:03 PM
  This message has been viewed 259 times.
Message So as part of my troubleshooting to deal with my 93 TT constantly going into safety boost (with no codes) I am now communicating with Jim Wolf Technologies. The ECU upgrade I have is one of theirs, as well as a JWT POPcharger. Car has the standard JWT boost jets, producing 12 psi at wot.

In my back and forth with them they were wondering about my MAF.

4 years ago I was checking everything else so I checked the MAF, the shop manual says the signal wire should be at 0.8 volts with key on (engine not running) and 0.8 to 1.5 volts at idle with a warmed up engine.

Mine was showing 0.44 volts with key on, 1.245 volts at idle. I purchased a used one on Ebay and swapped it out. Virtually the same readings. Still had (have) problems.

Over the weekend I checked a few things for JWT, including the signal at the ECU. My readings were 0.438 volts key on and 1.185 at idle. Identical readings at the ECU.

Question is- what is the story with the MAF voltage spec in the service manual? Because if you search this forum or any of the other Z hangouts online you will see many people reporting the key on voltages around 0.4 which is half of what the specification is supposed to be.

The engineers at JWT are leaning towards "Your MAF sensor is bad" but after searching for answers for this either the manual has a misprint or everyone in Z-dom is driving around with a MAF that's out of spec, yet no-one else is reporting the safety mode gremlins I have experienced.

I hate to just buy a new part ($248) to R&R if the new one is going to have the same voltages and not solve the problem.

If you have a working, no problem setup and you know what your MAF voltages are can you share them with me? If you have a factory MAF that actually has 0.8 volts (or thereabouts) with the key on please pipe in.


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